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Monday, October 20, 2014

Fountain pen, watercolors and first day of school drawing

Every Friday, a new Sketch Book Skool a 6 week online journal art lessons gets my creative juices flowing. This week Mattias Adolfesson, from Sweden, showed his journals and demonstrated drawing with a fountain pen and adding some Winsor Newton watercolor. He creates his pages using his  imagination and reality.  Mine is from memories of my first day of school. Mother said I had to learn to tie my own shoes before I could go. There was also memorizing my phone number and address.  The coat closet was fascinating.  Very organized which I loved.  I was delighted with the kitchen play station, not so much with the noisey boys playing fireman, and felt weird doing the elephant dance.  Decades later, I love to draw the Elies at the Tulsa Zoo.  I wanted to go home when nap time was required. I hated that! I felt locked up in school.  Where's my Mommy?